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We are excited to present you our latest minifigure set, which marks our 4th year anniversary, and marks the first design contribution of our new team mate Baggles!


Love of Thunder & White Thunder - 4th Year Anniversary Set


The "Love of Thunder" comes with:

- our high quality 360 degree pad printed design with metallic prints, including the inner side of the legs, the "wrap around" arm design and printed hands

- 2x heads, 4x facial expressions

- custom hair piece

- custom helmet piece with printed / painted details

- custom cape piece with printed / painted details

- custom hammer piece with dark gray cracks

- custom "split hammer" piece

- special 4th year anniversary poster


With over 140+ printing / painting processes, the "Love of Thunder" is one of our most detailed minifigure!


The "White Thunder" comes with:

- our high quality 360 degree pad printed design with metallic prints, including the inner side of the legs, the "wrap around" arm design and printed hands

- 2x heads, 4x facial expressions

- custom hair piece

- custom helmet piece with printed / painted details

- custom cape piece with printed / painted details

- custom hammer piece with special metallic blue cracks


Please note, the White Thunder alone does not include the "Split Hammer" and the 4th year anniversary poster!


There are 3 buying options:


1) Love of Thunder & White Thunder (Full Set, Includes every accessories)

2) Love of Thunder Only

3) White Thunder Only


In the name of the whole team of Legend C MOC we would like to thank all of you for your support during this past 4 years, and we are looking forward to see what the future holds for us!


Thank you and may the force be with you all!

LCM Love of Thunder & White Thunder 4th Anniversary Set



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